Thank you for choosing Resonate Recordings to host your podcast! Resonate makes podcast hosting easier by providing our post-production clients one-click posting of their episode masters. This article covers the basics of setting up your podcast with Resonate Hosting.
Get started by following these steps:
1. Sign up for Resonate Hosting.
2. Complete the following fields in the 'Directories' section of your podcast profile.
βWhere is my Podcast Directories section in the Resonate web app?
Name of your podcast (live title across all directories)
Podcast website (if applicable)
Description (live description across all directories)
Author (Appears under the show title in Apple Podcasts)
Public email address (email where listeners can contact the podcast)
Show format (select episodic or serial)
Language (language spoken on the podcast)
Check the "This podcast contains explicit content" if needed
Check the "This podcast is private, it should not appear in directories" if needed
4. Upload your show's cover art.
Then, if you're on Premium Hosting...
5. Complete the 'Resonate Microsite Settings' section of your podcast profile by changing the color scheme and adding links to your show on podcast directories.
6. Once your directory information and artwork are uploaded, click the Website link on our Resonate Dashboard to verify all live information is correct in your hosting microsite.
7. Begin submitting or uploading episodes to Resonate!